Earthkeepers of Heartland Presbytery


The Earthkeepers Team is proud to be a part of Heartland Presbytery. The team meets monthly, seeking to promote environmental and social justice locally, nationally and globally. The team works under the umbrella of the Mission & Social Justice Committee.

The Team works closely with Presbyterians for Earth Care (PEC.) PEC is a member-based, grassroots organization which seeks to promote Earth Care efforts through advocacy and faith-based theological reflection. Several members have been active on the Steering Committee, Advocacy Committee and Conference Planning Committee of Presbyterians for Earth Care. See

Earthkeepers also works alongside the environmental arm of the Presbyterian Hunger Program, Sustainable Living and Earth Care Concerns. This was previously called Environmental Ministries and is funded largely through One Great Hour of Sharing. See

Members of several Heartland Presbytery churches are represented. Members are passionate and highly involved in eco-justice (environmental and social justice) not only in their churches, but also within the larger community. Members also integrate the work of Sustainable Sanctuary Coalition, Kansas City Food Circle, and MO Interstate Power and Light during their programs, discussion and planning. They are also represented on those boards.

Earthkeeper’s members have written seven overtures and have had an Overture Advocate at 218th, 219th, 220th, and 221st General Assemblies and were also represented in the 222nd GA. Overtures have included reinstating the Environmental Ministries office, adding Creation-based scripture to the Book of Order, discouraging non-biodegradable products in churches, supporting EPA standards, and supporting eco-agriculture. Recent overtures were based on promoting food sovereignty/food democracy/fair trade, fossil fuel divestment, and highlighting the importance of the Precautionary Principle and Sustainable Development.

Earthkeepers meet the fourth Monday of each month at Village Presbyterian Church at 7:30 p.m. Anyone interested in working in the areas of social, eco- and environmental justice is welcome to be a part of the group. Earthkeepers has a list of speakers who are available to share about subjects related to eco-justice.

‘And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations’ Revelation 22:2

For more information, please contact Diane Waddell, Moderator, Earthkeepers Moderator, Presbyterians for Earth Care

Artwork above by Rev. Sarah Henkel of the Community of Living Traditions at Stony Point Center.

“PC(USA) has decades of policy on climate and environmental justice, worship and theological resources, action steps for individuals and congregations. Our Stated Clerk, J. Herbert Nelson II, said, ‘We will continue to work toward an environmentally safe world, creating jobs in a new economy, based on clean air and based on building an environmentally safe nation.'”
From PC(USA) website, “PC(USA) Supports Paris Agreement on Climate Change.”
June 5, 2017

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