Presbytery Partnerships



The team meets monthly, the fourth Monday at Village Presbyterian Church at 7:30 p.m., seeking to promote environmental and social justice locally, nationally and globally.

Guatemala Partnership

The Guatemala Partnership, formally established in 1995, is a partnership of presence between the sisters and brothers of Heartland and Maya Quiché Presbyteries. We come together as one in Christ to share our faith, be supportive of one another, and address educational and church needs as they arise.

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Heartland Center

Founded in 1958, Heartland Presbyterian Center is a mission of the Presbyteries of Heartland and Northern Kansas, Synod of Mid-America, Presbyterian Church (USA), providing shelter, nurture and spiritual fellowship for the children of God

Linwood Area Ministry Place (LAMP)

Linwood Area Ministry Place, or LAMP is working to return Linwood Presbyterian Church to the community. In doing this, the Presbytery has made a strong commitment to be an active, positive presence in a distressed area, working as neighbor and friend to people in need. As a ministry of service, LAMP is a campus of service ministries to meet urgent human needs. And as a ministry of leadership, LAMP brings church and community resources together to restore this highly visible site and to be a catalyst for restoration of the surrounding community.


The Presbyterian Urban and Immigrant Ministry Network is comprised of active, vibrant and alert congregations alive in Jesus Christ, creating ministries of unconditional love and joyous celebration within Kansas City’s urban and immigrant communities. To this end, PUIMN churches pursue three key strategies: Support for their smaller and often underserved congregations; Service to their surrounding communities through programs addressing food insecurity, language barriers and unmet healthcare needs; and Advocacy through seminal participation in leading front line social justice causes such as racial and economic equity. PUIMN churches maintain a profound gratitude to Heartland Presbytery for its on-going support of our churches’ wide-ranging abilities to serve our beloved communities.


presbyterian women of heartland presbytery

Presbyterian Women understands that scripture asks us to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world. As such, Presbyterian Women provides information about justice and peace and ministry to inform mission and community-building work.


thwake village partnership

The Thwake Village Partnership is a collaboration of knowledge, resources and ideas shared between the Heartland Presbytery and the Kikuyu Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa.