Commission on Ministry Resources & Forms


2025 Minimum terms of call

The Minimum Terms of Call is updated each year.

As reported to the September 10, 2024, meeting of Heartland Presbytery, the Commission on Ministry set the 2025 minimum terms of call to increase at the same amount of the Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment. That figure is 2.63%. Therefore, Heartland Presbytery's minimum terms of call for all pastoral positions will be as follows, effective January 1, 2025. All installed pastors' terms of call, as well as all contracted pastoral positions approved to begin after that date, must meet these minimum requirements:

Approved by Heartland Presbytery on the recommendation of Commission on Ministry, September 10, 2024. Salary figures may be scaled proportionally for part-time positions. Continuing education allowance, vacation and study leave apply at the same levels regardless of whether the position is part-time or full-time.

  • Minimum Effective Salary (on full-time basis)—$53,100

  • Pastoral Plan PC(USA) Pension and Medical Dues—all called and installed pastors participate in the Transitional Pastor's Participation (TPP) Plan from the Board of Pensions and that churches continue to pay the full cost of coverage. 43% (For minimum salary, $22,833) This does not mean that those currently receiving coverage through the Board must continue to do so. If there is a better arrangement for a pastor’s family that results in everyone continuing to have medical coverage, then the pastoral leader and family are welcome to pursue that option. For those pastors who would benefit from enrolling in Congregational Pastors Package (CPP) Plan, we encourage you to do so. We further recommend that the congregation devise a strategy to use the savings from the CPP to benefit the pastor and congregation.

  • Continuing Education Allowance—$1000 (cumulative to $3,000)

  • Vacation—Four Weeks (including four Sundays)

  • Study Leave—Two Weeks (including two Sundays)

  • Policy for Health and Parental Needs

  • Sabbatical Leave Policy

Congregations are reminded that these figures are minimums, and do not fully reflect the value of competent, faithful pastoral leadership. Whenever possible, congregations should seek to offer greater compensation than the minimum, commensurate with the pastor's responsibilities and experience

Pastoral Coverage Compensation

Pulpit supply $150

Moderating Meeting ( Session or Congregation) $75

Please contact COM Moderator, Rev. Krista Kiger or Presbyter for Vision and Leadership, Rev. Dale Jackson ( with any questions.