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Anti-Racism 201

Every Minister Member of Heartland Presbytery is required to take anti-racism training yearly. In partnership with the Open Table the Presbytery will offer four opportunities in 2022. These events will be repeated in the fall on a Saturday. If you have taken an anti-racism course in 2022 through another organization please reach out to the Presbyter for Vision and Leadership with details on that training.

You may attend either session or both.

Anti-Racism 201
June 22, 2022, 10 a.m.–2 p.m.
Second Presbyterian Church—NEW LOCATION
Lunch is included

The three-hour Antiracism and Organizing 201 training continues building on the foundations offered in Antiracism 101 by focusing on the socialization cycle and white supremacy culture characteristics embedded in all institutions. Through this course, participants will identify key socialization impacts and cultural characteristics that show up within themselves and their organization. It is not enough for participants to understand these oppressive systems—we want them to visualize and center their organizations free of these systems. Our interactive approach is designed to aid participants in recognizing and evaluating the ways that socialization, relationships, and culture not only encompass, but also jeopardize the work they do. Register here.

The Antiracism & Organizing 201 module includes:

  • History of Racism

  • How we got here. (The creation of race, racial hierarchy, and policies.)

  • Socialization Cycle

  • How cultural norms and biases are created & maintained intergenerationally.

  • White Supremacy Cultural Standards

  • Definition of culture & White culture

  • Values, Mores, Norms

  • Further studying of Tema Okun & Kenneth Jones Work

  • Organizing: Interrupting White Supremacy Culture Standards

  • Review antidotes

  • Discuss organizational WSC that can change

  • Apply organizing model to interrupt

Earlier Event: June 20
Project Regeneration
Later Event: July 19
Stated Meeting—July 19, 2022