Please use this page as a resource for persons involved with church financial administration. If you have suggestions such as for additional content, please contact Brian at

Financial Remittances for 2019

The closing date for receiving payments to count for 2019 must be received at the Heartland Presbytery office no later than Monday, January 6, 2020.

Per Capita for 2020

  • Heartland Presbytery $31.19

  • Synod of Mid-America $2.90

  • PC(USA) General Assembly $8.95

  • TOTAL $43.04

HP Forms

  1. Financial Remittance Form

  2. Financial Covenant for Basic Mission Support (‘Shared Mission’)


  1. Books by Rev Edd Breeden who's treasurer of the Presbytery of San Jose

  2. TechSoup for discounted on software, hardware, and services from major brands.