Pulpit Supply
Pulpit supply is such a wonderful opportunity. It is a gathering of those who are able to preach when there is a need to fill the pulpit. These people have had fit interviews, background checks and are willing to drive to preach throughout our presbytery. They are remunerated for their time and energy in preparing a sermon and traveling to the church. Our pulpit supply list is updated every year. For the list and contact information of pulpit supply members, click on this link:
At the wisdom of the Mid Council Leaders, we have changed our approach to our participation in pulpit supply. We are sensitive to the reality that many of the people on this list, utilize this needed aspect of ministry of pulpit supply to subsidize their financial needs as well. We do not want to displace their presence and thus potentially offset their financial opportunities.
This doesn’t mean we do not want to join you and your church in leading worship. If you have an empty pulpit, we are happy to come one Sunday and preach. If you are going to be gone and you are looking for someone to fill your pulpit, we ask you go to the pulpit supply list.
The leadership of the presbytery would love to come preach at your church and to do it when you are present, so we can share in leadership of worship. This gives you a Sunday off of sermon prep, demonstrates the collaborative ministries of the presbytery and pastors, and ensures our pulpit supply leaders are fully supported financially.
Preaching Honorarium Schedule
Churches are expected to provide a minimum honorarium of $150, plus standard IRS mileage for pulpit supply preachers. Additional service fees are below:
Additional fees:
Moderate Session meeting $75
Moderate Congregational meeting $75
Funeral $150
Plus standard IRS mileage
Feedback: Congregations/Supply Preachers—COM wants to know about your church’s pulpit supply experience; including ideas for strengthening the pulpit supply ministry and process.
Note: Minister Members of the Presbytery can also be requested to serve communion, baptize children and adults, ordain/install new officers, and conduct funerals and weddings.