Stated Meeting—May 18, 2021

Presbytery Meeting—via Zoom

The May 18, 2021, stated meeting of Heartland Presbytery will take place at 9 a.m. by Zoom video conference. It will be necessary to have a computer or other device with audio and video capabilities to fully participate in this meeting. (If you need to update Zoom, instructions are here.)

You may register here. Please register in advance. Only those who have registered in advance will receive the link that gives them access to the meeting.

The actual meeting link will be sent to those who have registered, along with notification that the meeting packet has been posted (which will happen no later than May 14, 2021).

The theme of this meeting will be "Celebrating Meaningful Connections" and our preacher will be the stated clerk of our partner presbytery in Guatemala, Maya Quiché Presbytery, the Rev. Samuel Mazariegos. This will also be the last meeting for our Interim Executive Presbytery, the Rev. Dr. Dee Cooper, and we will celebrate her ministry among us.

Thank you!

Pastors and Session Moderators: Please ensure that your commissioners have this information so they can participate in the meeting.

If you have any questions about registration, Zoom participation, or the business before the presbytery, contact Stated Clerk Brian Ellison at


Please refer to the packet items as you prepare for the meeting. If you do not have multiple monitors or devices (to participate in the meeting and view documents), you may want to print some things ahead of time.

Please note that you will be able to download the entire packet by clicking the first selection “Complete Packet” OR you can download and print the individual documents.

Complete Packet 5.18.21

Doc 0 - Docket 5.18.21

Doc 1 - Stated Clerk 5.18.21

Doc 2 - COM 5.18.21

Doc 3 - NWCC 5.18.21

Doc 4 - AC-RHPC 5.18.21

Doc 5 - Council 5.18.21

Doc 5a - Council-Manual Task Force 5.18.21

Doc 5b - Personnel 5.18.21

Doc 5c - Business Affairs 5.18.21

Doc 6 - Executive Search 5.18.21

Doc 7 - Representation 5.18.21

Doc 8 - AC-Discernment-Dissolution 5.18.21

Doc 9a - Presbytery Minutes March 2021 5.18.21

Doc 9b - Council Minutes April 2021 5.18.21

Doc 9c - HP Financial Statements 2021-04 5.18.21