Stated Meeting—July 19, 2021

Presbytery Meeting—In Person- at 10 am

The July 19, 2022, stated meeting of Heartland Presbytery will take place at 10 a.m. in person at Central Presbyterian Church, 3501 Campbell, Kansas City, MO 64109.

Please note that parking at Central is limited. In addition to street parking, we have secured the parking lot at the nearby Academy Lafayette (3421 Cherry Street, KCMO 64109). We highly encourage our participants to utilize this lot as a place to carpool from, or “park and ride” with others who are attending.

The presbytery meeting will not be livestreamed. All voting commissioners need to be able and willing to be present in person at Central Presbyterian Church.

All participants are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to be fully vaccinated. Masks will be required for all participants throughout the meeting for all participants, regardless of vaccination status.

This meeting will include an optional lunch with either general fellowship time or the chance to discuss what our churches are currently exploring as their Matthew 25 advocacy work and identities.

Pastors and Session Moderators: Please ensure that your commissioners have this information so they can participate in the meeting.

The meeting packet including all business items will be posted to the presbytery webpage and emailed to those who have preregistered no later than Thursday, July 14.

If you have any questions about registration or the business before the presbytery, contact Stated Clerk Jen Baer at