Stated Meeting—November 20, 2021

Presbytery Meeting—In-Person

The November 20, 2021, stated meeting of Heartland Presbytery will take place at 9 a.m. IN PERSON at Southminster Presbyterian Church.

You may register here. Please register no later than Thursday at 9 a.m. After that, registration must happen in person on Saturday morning. Child care may not be requested after 9 a.m., Thursday.

While the worship service will be streamed (information to be distributed later), the business meeting will not. All voting commissioners need to be able and willing to be present in person at Southminster Presbyterian Church.

All participants are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to be fully vaccinated. Masks will be required for all participants throughout the meeting for all participants, regardless of vaccination status.

This meeting will not include a meal.

Pastors and Session Moderators: Please ensure that your commissioners have this information so they can participate in the meeting.

The meeting packet including all business items is posted below.

If you have any questions about registration or the business before the presbytery, contact Stated Clerk Brian Ellison at